Visual Arts
Some of the objectives of art education at Somers High School are to encourage awareness, to educate the senses, and to promote personal growth and maturity. Through studio-classroom experiences, the student will have an opportunity to explore and experiment with a multiplicity of media, techniques, and styles of creativity. In addition, works of other artists, past and present, will be studied as they relate to art history and art appreciation. Our program is open to all students - those who choose art as preparation for careers as well as those who choose it for personal enrichment.
Contact Information
Art Department
914-248-8585 ex 4877
Celebrating Student Art
Arts Courses @ SHS
Philosophy of Art
“Art provides unique opportunities to explore and develop ways of knowing, doing, and being. As such, art, as a core subject, a critical component in the development of every child and in multiple ways permeates every aspect of human existence.” U.S. Department of Education
While every student will not be inherently talented within the visual arts, they will be challenged to use their imagination, creativity as well as their knowledge to practice and appreciate the arts and their methods. In our changing global community, students will need to adapt and think innovatively in order to be 21st-century problem solvers. The development of personal aesthetics, assessment, self-reflection, and critical thinking skills is an asset that will be used throughout their lives.
It has been said that a student's education in the arts is the polish that makes their academic experience not only more holistic, but results in them being a more cultured individual.
Concepts in Art
Please remember:
Respect for all, including yourself.
Be open, willing and engaged to try, you will be surprised by your results.
Elements and Principles of Design are key and are foundational for any course.
- Color Theory is essential
- Direct Observation for Drawing is critical
- Good Compositional elements matter in any kind of art
- Aesthetically pleasing, original art is at the core to all arts courses.
- Authentic Assessment (formative and summative, will be clear for any art assessment).
- Journaling/Sketchbook as Art is a key, building block
Applied Arts are essential, so be sure to leave room in your schedule for them, see this link for a complete list of all arts courses.