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English Language Arts
In keeping with current research in language arts and the New York State language arts curriculum, the English Department believes that the essential purpose of language study is to enable the student to make meaning from and through spoken and written communication. Further, we believe that students become skilled in reading, writing, speaking, and listening through the integrated practice of these activities in a literate environment, and that skills are best acquired and developed through a process approach.
Although we recognize that the teaching of discrete skills will not necessarily add up to effective writing or reading, we do not believe that the converse is true. Writers do need to know and utilize the rules of correct, effective writing, and readers read more efficiently if they understand and utilize a wide range of reading skills.
Students in all required English classes are expected to complete assigned summer reading prior to the first day of the class. The summer reading is the first required reading of the course, and students will be responsible for quizzes, discussion, essays and tests on these books in much the same way that they are responsible for other material assigned during the course itself.


Philosophy of the Senior Internship 

The purpose of the internship is to offer SHS seniors a practical work experience/project which will extend learning beyond the classroom and which, looking towards the future, may provide insight into a potential field of interest. The goals of this program stem from the conviction that “real world” experiences are of vital importance to high school learners. Combining the classroom environment with practical work experience (or a project suited to a student’s interest) is essential in order to provide students with a balanced and complete vision of life and learning skills. Such experiences provide students with meaningful and relevant learning experiences. 


The senior internship will offer seniors an opportunity to: 

  • Incorporate learned experiences into practical life goals 
  • Develop self-initiative, self-reliance, and self-confidence 
  • Become actively involved in a work community 
  • Explore possible career interests 
  •  Discover within themselves an interest or passion 


Expectation is around 15 hours on an internship or project.  Tentatively, internships will begin the week after spring break. More info to follow...


Summer Reading

Summer Reading Lists 2024-25
First page of the PDF file: 2024-2025SummerReadingLists
SHS English Summer Reading Selection Process
First page of the PDF file: summerreadingprocessshs_revised