Student National Honor Society
Advisor: Ms. Pizzolla
All announcements, meeting dates, and important documents will be posted on Schoology. We have a Schoology group for NHS members as well as a group for NHS Candidates. Please see Ms. Pizzolla if you have questions about accessing the Schoology groups.
Initial letters are mailed out to prospective NHS candidates each year in late September. Students are invited to join NHS as candidates starting in 10th grade if they meet our scholarship criteria, which is a weighted GPA of 88. Additional details will be provided to all prospective candidates at our first candidate meeting in October.
Tracking Hours Log
Candidates and current members are expected to track hours for peer tutoring and community service on paper.
These forms are available on Schoology. Hard copies are available at our meetings or can be requested through Ms. Pizzolla.
Unless otherwise noted, all meetings will take place in the SHS cafeteria after school at 2:15 pm.